Some good recent Movies

Those of you reading my Meltdowns for a while know I'm a bit of a movie geek (the ones worth seeing, many are not of course).

So for the "science fiction" lovers (I do like some of them)

PERCY JACKSON and the OLYMPIANS - 2010 - Twentieth Century Fox - as it says on the back cover "A Bolt of family fun." Ya it's about the "gods" of Greek or whoever legends, so you know it's science fiction right off the bat.

TRON - just came back from seeing it - so hot off the press. It's a "good" science  fiction one - 3D also.

THE TOURIST - Jonny Depp and Angelina Jolie - new off the press so to speak also.  An interesting plot with a twist at the end that is somewhat not what you're expecting. It was an okay movie.

TANGLED - A 3D Walt Disney movie - for the whole family. And some singing - very well acted and sung whoever were the voices, people I'd never heard of. Some good lessons in the movie. I give it two thumbs up.

CHRONICLES OF NARNIA - The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.  The 3rd in the series, and the last one I believe.  It was in 3D. And in some ways the best one of the three.  Many may not know but Lewis wrote this with "Christian" religion in mind. At the end of this movie you have the words about the Lion something like "You'll know him by a different name in your world."  And that name in our world is the Lion from the tribe of Judah - Jesus Christ!

Yes indeed two thumbs up for this movie.

I've already bought the Percy Jackson movie (previously viewed at Blockbuster) and probably will buy the others mentioned when they are on the previously viewed rack at Blockbuster.  On the previously viewed rack today I got 3 for the price of 2 - good deal. One I've seen at the theater, the other two - one true life story that I've never heard about, and the third sounds like a great love story, I'd not heard about.
Will tell you about them in time.

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