Guitar Keith

Oh if your wondering I play and teach the guitar, and actually all popular "fretted" instruments (banjo, mandolin etc.). Been doing it since 1975 either part time or full time.

My pleasure has often over those years been my full time work, besides being also a certified Orthopedic Shoe/Orthotic maker (which I do not do any more).

Now my boyhood teacher and inspiration in guitar playing is finally up on Youtube - BERT WEEDON of Britain (as I write he is still alive at age 90).

Bert had a versatility that few have. He is the only guitar player in the world to ever be given his own TV show - it ran for about 6 years.

He was the grandfather of the rock n' roll guitar. But he also played LOVE songs like no other, he had that touch on the electric guitar with love songs that made the instrument sing. Needless to say I copy his style. Parents not knowing all this past history, at my student's concerts (when I may play a few numbers)  have said, "You make it sing." Thanks to Bert Weedon I try. Someday (when I know how) I will upload to Youtube many of Bert's love songs.

So go to Youtube - type in Bert Weedon - and enjoy some of his great guitar playing.

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