Pediatric ENT Care of Warrenton, Virginia (Fauquier County)

Recently, there has been some confusion regarding whether our office deals with adults only or do we see kids as well... Strangely enough, we also get asked by parents whether our office sees adults when seeing a pediatric patient.

To clear up any confusion, our office does see kids AND adults... starting from birth to the elderly.

Dr. Chang who joined the office in October 2005, was named one of America's Top Physicians by the Consumer's Research Council of America in 2008 as well as a Northern Virginia Top Doctor for 2011 (to be published in February 2011).

Some common problems and procedures for which Dr. Chang sees kids specifically include:

- Tongue Tie Release (starting from ONE DAY OLD!)
- Tonsillectomy
- Adenoidectomy
- Sinus Surgery starting with adolescents
- Ear Tube placement
- Hearing Loss
- Nasal Obstruction
- Nasal Congestion
- Snotty Nose
- Speech Delay
AND many other issues...

Our office has even created videos on a few common pediatric procedures including tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy, earwax removal, ear tubes placement. Watch the video below on tonsillectomy.

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