Health Benefits of Lemons and Limes
One of my morning rituals is sipping on a cup of warm water with the fresh juice of a whole lemon or lime. I usually add a pinch of cayenne pepper. You could also add fresh ginger or a sprinkle of cinnamon. Warm lemon or lime water first thing in the morning before breakfast rehydrates your body after a long night of sleep and provides your body with antioxidants, electrolytes, and many other benefits.
25+ Benefits of Lemons and Limes
- Aids digestion Drink a cup of warm lemon or lime water with a pinch of unprocessed Celtic or Himalayan sea salt before meals to activate hydrochloric acid (HCL) and enzyme activity, alleviate heartburn and constipation, and create an alkaline environment. Add a pinch of cayenne pepper to boost metabolism.
- Adding fresh lemon to water helps offset chlorine and fluoride
- Lemon or lime can lower the glycemic index of meals up to 30 percent: squeeze fresh lime or lemon juice onto fish, chicken, salad or veggies.
- Alkalizes your system versus an acidic one.
- Supportive and beneficial as a healthy and natural detox
- Enhances mineral absorption preventing calcium-leaching from bones
- Brain and nervous system health. Blend lime juice with your favorite grass-fed protein powder for a healthy cooler for the brain and nervous system.
- Strong antibacterial (destroys bacteria in the mouth and gut), antiseptic and antiviral properties, natural antibiotic and immune-boosting powers
- Natural breath freshener.
- Clears up acne and rejuvenates the skin.
- Contains pectin which helps lower cholesterol and reduce blood sugar
- Excellent, all-natural cleanser: lemon juice, baking soda and water
- Flavor enhancer used on fish, poultry, salads, grilled veggies, avocado, juicing
- Full of bioflavonoid, antioxidant phytonutrients (Vitamin P)
- Healthy hair: lemons and limes remove product buildup in hair. Use lemon or lime juice as a natural highlight enhancer.
- Helps prevent heart disease
- Enhances nutrient absorption
- High nutrient value, full of antioxidants that help fight free-radical damage: vitamin B6, Vitamin C, iron and potassium and a very good source of dietary fiber. Lemons and limes also contain calcium, copper, folic acid, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus and zinc.
- Inhibits the growth of kidney stones and supports the kidneys
- Fresh lemon or lime juice mixed with warm water and olive oil help dissolve gallstones.
- Limonoids, the peeling of the lemons and limes contain disease-fighting compounds shown to induce cancer cell death particularly beneficial for protecting against cancers of the skin, breast, stomach, mouth, lung and colon. (Nutrition and Cancer, 2001).
- Promotes immunity, reduces mucus and helps fight cold, flu and infections
- Aids the liver in bile formation. Nourishes and stimulates liver’s enzymes, increasing your body’s ability to cleanse itself of toxins, which can aid in weight loss.
- Oxygenates the body and maximizes enzyme function
- Lemon juice has been known to relieve asthma
- Prevents calcium deposit build-up in the arteries
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