Robotic medical arms race -

Robotic medical arms race -

Gynecologist Del Ashcraft brags about his race to remove a woman's sex organs in 20 minutes. Let the Chattanooga Free Press and their readers know what you think about the barbaric quest to remove the hormone responsive reproductive sex organs from 621,000 women a year in the U.S.

The CDC reports that one out of three women undergo hysterectomy by the age of 60 as inpatients. The number of outpatient hysterectomies is rapidly rising with the promotion of so-called  "minimally invasive" hysterectomy. Although this implies that the surgery is less damaging, in fact it is as damaging as if the female organs were removed by "magic", without an incision. Regardless of the method, by human hands or human controlled machines, the result is the same, a woman's sex organs are removed and she will no longer experience uterine orgasm, and she will have an increased risk of heart disease, dementia, lung cancer and osteoporosis.

It's doubtful Ashcraft would enjoy his surgeon bragging about her race to remove his penis and testicles in record time, untouched by human hands. The cool metal digits of a robot and the joy stick that controls it in her excited remotely stationed hands.

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