The Healing Power of Probiotics

Healthy intestinal bacteria and a healthy microbiome are essential for your health. The bacteria living in and on your body outnumber your human cells 10 to 1 (American Society for Microbiology). The number and type of bacteria in your gut have a powerful and profound impact on brain chemistry, gut health, digestion, immune function, metabolism, hormone balance, weight, and overall mental, emotional and physical health and well-being. 

Harmful bacteria, pathogens in the gut and imbalances of healthy flora increase inflammation, risk of depression, Candida, dementia, autoimmune disease, digestive ailments, constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating, IBS, Crohn’s disease, make cells less sensitive to insulin, increase risk of diabetes, cancer and other diseases. 

Culprits that destroy, compromise and disrupt healthy flora include:
      * Antibiotics * Birth control pills * Sugar, grains, fructose, trans fats
      * HCL deficiency * NSAIDs, OTC & Rx drugs * Infections, Candida & mycotoxins
      * Chronic stress * GMOs, pesticides, heavy metals * Hypoglycemia. Diabetes
      * Chemotherapy * Antibacterial soaps & wipes * Nutrient-deficient diets. Tap water

A low or insufficient population of healthy flora can lead to an inability to absorb nutrients, trigger Candida overgrowth, hair loss, gas and bloating, gut dysfunction, diarrhea and/or constipation, food sensitivities, eczema and various skin condition, memory problems, and increase risk of serious health problems. 

Antibiotics destroy the friendly bacteria in our intestinal tracts. Matter of fact, just one course of antibiotics can permanently alter gut flora. Exposure to low levels of antibiotics in the diet (such as those used in agriculture) alter the gut microbiota and may be associated with obesity. Remember, you eat what the animal ate, and has been injected with. Antibiotic overuse creates gut dysbiosis, which naturally weakens the immune system since 70-80 percent of the immune system resides in the gut. 

In addition to antibiotics, gluten, grains, GMOs, glyphosate, mental and emotional stress, sugar, processed foods, alcohol, OTC and prescription drugs, hypochlorhydria, tap water, toxic heavy metals, and chemical exposure destroy healthy flora and disrupt our microbiome.

Fungal, bacterial, parasite and yeast infections, Candida and sinus infections are all common side effects of a weakened immune system that can result from overuse of antibiotics. Changes in gut bacteria have also been linked to obesity, skin problems, anxiety, depression, mood disorders, autoimmune disorders, and weight loss resistance. Excessive and inappropriate use of antibiotics has led to antibiotic-resistant bugs that can cause serious consequences and changes to the microflora.

Maintaining proper balance of healthy gut flora is crucial for optimal health, which can be achieved by taking a high quality probiotic. Probiotics are necessary for gut rebuilding (fermented foods alone do not have the aggressive strains necessary to recolonize the gut). Probiotics are one of the supplements you’ll read about in my books, The Power of 4 and Fat Loss Revolution.

The word probiotic is derived from the Greek meaning "for life." Probiotics are live, beneficial, healthy bacteria that help us in many ways. This healthy bacteria resides in the intestinal tract and contributes to overall mental, emotional and physical health by improving nutrition, lowering inflammation, and protecting against disease. 

The Healing Power of Probiotics
  1. Enhance intestinal health, improves digestion, nutrient absorption and gut mobility.
  2. Commensal flora has a positive impact on tight junction integrity of the GI mucosal lining in preventing intestinal permeability aka leaky gut.
  3. Promote regularity of bowel function and helpful for constipation
  4. Restore healthy flora and lessen the side effects after a bout of antibiotics (one of the most over-prescribed Rx drugs). Antibiotics deplete your body of essential nutrients, disrupt normal gut flora and can cause behavioral changes (increasing risk for depression and anxiety).
  5. Probiotics have an anti-inflammatory effect thereby reducing inflammation
  6. Play a role in normalizing and decreasing serum cholesterol and triglycerides.
  7. Decrease belly fat and promote weight loss
  8. Fight infectious diseases
  9. Probiotics help reduce negative thinking
  10. Prevent production and absorption of toxins that are produced from bacterial, Candida and yeast overgrowth
  11. Gastrointestinal health is linked with brain health. Probiotics improve mood, relieve anxiety, and are crucial for healthy brain function playing a powerful role in cognitive health and even the prevention of depression, autism, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer's.
  12. Prevent against vaginal and urinary tract infections
  13. Balance and stimulate immune function. Approximately 80 percent of the immune system is located in the gut. If your gut is overloaded with bad bacteria, there’s a good chance your immune system isn’t functioning optimally.
  14. Saccharomyces boulardii. Specific strains of probioitcs provide protection against invasion of pathogenic viruses, yeasts, Candida, parasites and bacteria. Yeast is the number one pathogen in the bowel. The probiotic, Saccharomyces boulardii, supports GI health, increases secretory IgA, protects against intestinal dysbiosis and has a strong impact on eradicating gut pathogens such as Candida, H. pylori, bacterial, parasite and yeast infections. . 
    Other strains of probiotics such as Bifidus Infantis, Bifidus Lactis, and Lactobacillus Plantarum are specifically helpful for IBS, a pearl from Dr. Allison Siebecker.
  15. Reduces risk of hospital infections after surgery.
  16. Supports healthy skin. Helpful for eczema, hives, psoriasis, rashes and acne. In a study with 300 patients, 80 percent of those with acne experienced drastic improvement when they supplemented with probiotics. Infants on probiotics are 50% less likely to develop eczema. Adolescents who take a daily probiotic supplement reduce the risk of eczema by 59 percent!
  17. Addresses GI dysfunction (helpful for diarrhea, constipation, gas, bloating, IBS, leaky gut, Crohn’s and other gut inflammations).
  18. Encourages production of digestive enzymes, B12 and other B vitamins
  19. May reduce incidence of life-long allergies, asthma and atopic eczema when taken during and after pregnancy.
  20. Gastrointestinal problems are so common in children with autism. There is evidence that autistic children lack certain beneficial bacteria in their gut. Symptoms are triggered by compositional and structural shifts of microbes and associated metabolites, but symptoms are relieved by a B. fragilis probiotic. Thus probiotics may provide therapeutic strategies for mental disorders.
  21. May decrease production of intestinal carcinogens
  22. Taken during the first trimester of pregnancy, probiotics help women lose weight after giving birth. Source: European Congress on Obesity Kirsi Laitinen et al.
  23. Improves enzymatic activity.
  24. According to research reported in the journal Gut Pathogens, supplementing with probiotics may reduce symptoms of anxiety, reduce stress and are beneficial for autoimmune diseases. An unbalanced microbiota in the gut is a contributing factor in autoimmunity.
  25. Probiotics are critical, especially during pregnancy and breastfeeding to ensure that baby will get a good dose of beneficial bacteria, which can boost immunity, neurological function, reduce risk of ear infection and illness in the first few years.
  26. Supports cardiovascular health and protects against cancer development and progression
  27. Consuming processed foods, GMOs, pesticides and factory-farmed non-organic meats and dairy destroy healthy flora, making probiotics highly beneficial.
  28. Reduce your chance of catching a cold, coming down with the flu and lessen incidence of upper respiratory tract infections.
  29. Probiotics have a role in treating fatty liver disease (NAFLD), helpful for liver congestion and reduce toxic load on the liver.
  30. Athletes and all those exposed to oxidative stress may benefit from probiotics to increase antioxidant levels and neutralize the effects of reactive oxygen species. Curr Microbiol, 2011 June; 62(6): 1689-96. 
Probiotic-rich foods include those that are naturally fermented and unpasteurized such as natto, whole fat organic yogurt, kefir, fermented coconut water and sauerkraut, There are also foods that do not contain bacteria, but aid in the growth of good bacteria. These are known as prebiotics and can be obtained by eating garlic, onions, leeks, artichokes, chlorella and dark green vegetables.

There's a lot of buzz in the media about taking healthy probiotics. Are probiotics important for your health or just a complete waste of time and money? This short video reveals some surprising news about what's good for your gut and why your should take a probiotic. Wellness Minute Video

Most people benefit from supplementing with a quality probiotic on a daily basis as part of their supplement regimen. The most common probiotic bacteria in supplements are Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. There are over 35 species of Bifidobacteria and 125 species of Lactobacilli making up the majority of gut microflora found in the large bowel or colon. 

A Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis (CDSA) with Parasitology is a test that screens for pathogenic bacteria and organisms including parasites and levels of yeast determines and measures major species of good and bad gut flora that reside in your gut, intestinal pH, secretory IgA and a number of other factors is especially helpful to determine which strains of probiotics are best for you. Order your stool test kit here

Be informed: it’s important to realize that all probiotics are not created equal. They are also necessary for gut rebuilding (fermented foods alone don't have the aggressive strains necessary to recolonize the gut). Opt for high-quality probiotics only. Always check the list of ingredients and the expiration date as some retailers keep expired products on their shelves.

Comprehensive, high-quality probiotics:

As a holistic nutritionist and functional health practitioner with over 25 years of experience, my philosophy is to identify the root cause of any underlying health issues, slowly "peel away the layers of the onion," and design a healing protocol and comprehensive LIFESTYLE plan specific to your unique biochemistry so you can heal, experience vibrant health, balanced hormones, age well, and look, think and feel better than ever for a lifetime. I consult with men and women throughout the U.S. and with clients locally in the Phoenix, AZ area. Schedule a free 15-minute consultation!
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