Roll like a Pro: Foam Roller Revolution Exercises

During SMR, pressure is applied to a muscle using a foam roller causing activation of the Golgi Tendon Organ (GTO), which in turn signals muscle spindles to release and relax the muscle being worked on. The GTO is extremely sensitive to changes of tension in the muscle. SMR breaks down scar tissue and releases muscle fascia as you work your way from one end of the muscle to the other.
- SMR using the foam roller also breaks down scar tissue and releases muscle fascia as you work your way from one end of the muscle to the other.
- Foam roller exercises are a super effective prehab, rehab and recovery tool. A 10-15 minute foam roller progression at the beginning and especially at the end of your workout serves as a great cool down after an intense workout.
- Foam rolling can release muscle and joint pain.
- Using the foam roller is an extremely effective rehab technique for ITB syndrome and sciatica. Excellent tool for sprinters and runners.
- Daily, consistent use on the foam roller helps to increase flexibility.
SMR Guidelines using the Foam Roller:
- Find a tender, juicy spot (trigger point) on an area that is tight or has reduced range of motion.
- Stop on tender spots for 20-30 seconds and breathe deeply. Continue to breathe deeply as the discomfort subsides by 50-75%. This could take some time and be uncomfortable.
- When the area is no longer sensitive, begin to roll to other tender spots on the muscle you’re focusing on and repeat.
The foam roller technique can be used before and after workouts. I recommend using the foam roller every day. The more often you roll, the better. If time is a factor, even 2 or 3 weekly sessions will lead to great improvements.
Copyright © Paula Owens. All Rights Reserved.
The photos and material in this article and on this blog may not be reproduced or copied without written permission. Reproduction of the articles on this blog may be shared and are permissible only when instructions found at the bottom of this blog are followed. Thank you.
- Fat Loss Revolution exercise program
- Change Your Body, Boost Your Metabolism & Lose Fat
- Thinking of Running a Marathon?
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Rhomboids & Upper Traps Lie with your shoulder blades on the foam roller and your feet on the ground. Your butt is off the floor and your hands cradle the weight of your head, supporting your neck. Draw the elbows toward one another to focus more on the rhomboids.
End all of your SMR sessions with thoracic extension. Hands are behind your head to support your neck. Butt is on the ground.
Spinal Mobilization
Lie vertically on the foam roller with your head and your entire spine down to the sacrum supported on the foam roller. This helps restore the natural curves of your spine and elongates the anterior longitudinal ligament of the spine. Stay here, relax and breathe deeply for 1-5 minutes.
Purchase a foam roller. Note: When you visit the store to purchase a foam roller,the white form roller is the average roller. The blue foam roller is denser, harder and will last forever. The RumbleRoller is your top of the line roller.
Copyright © Paula Owens. All Rights Reserved.
The photos and material in this article and on this blog may not be reproduced or copied without written permission. Reproduction of the articles on this blog may be shared and are permissible only when instructions found at the bottom of this blog are followed. Thank you.
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Photography by Cheryl Bentzen
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