Twenty-two Million Strong

There have been several recent comments on HERS blog arguing for financial compensation, or reparations, from the government for the damage caused by hysterectomy and castration.

Reparations do not become a consideration until the public at large acknowledges that harm was done to a select group of people, and the acts that caused harm are stopped. That group and their supporters, then form a coalition to press for compensation from governments that either participated in the wrong doing that caused harm, or failed to stop it.

Let’s pull together to educate the public about the damage caused by hysterectomy, and to support passage of a law that will compel doctors to provide HERS video, “Female Anatomy: the Functions of the Female Organs”, to every woman before she is told to sign a form consenting to hysterectomy or castration. HERS video is a powerful educational tool that has been viewed by close to a million people. Women scheduled for hysterectomies who watch the video cancel their surgeries and when they are told they need the surgery but doctors have not informed them of the information in HERS video, many fire the doctor and walk out.

Everyone’s voice and point of view is important and deserves to be heard. It’s imperative that our common cause brings us together in a positive way to accomplish our common goal of stopping hysterectomy and castration from being performed on women who have not been given the information requisite to informed consent. Please tell us what you think needs to be done, offer wise insightful criticism, and what you are prepared to do to help expedite changing the law. Email HERS at and tell us how you want to be involved in educating the public and supporting legislation. Tell us what you can and want to do:

  • Write letters to the editor of your local and syndicated newspapers
  • Call talk show hosts or their producers to tell them about the issues and the recently published book THE H WORD
  • Ask them to interview Rick Schweikert and Nora W. Coffey
  • Use Facebook and Twitter to tell people to watch the video and read the book
  • Hand out HERS Hysterectomy Pamphlet to people on the street and put them in the waiting rooms of doctor's offices and hospital's waiting rooms
  • Get people to sign the petition
  • Send THE H WORD to friends and family
  • Let HERS know when you have sent THE H WORD to gynecologists so that we can add their name to the growing list on HERS website of doctors who can never again say "I didn't know."

Donate whatever you can to help HERS with the challenging, time intensive, hard work required to change the law, and encourage others to support the growing movement to change the law. It requires dedication, commitment, and perseverance, and the funds to pay for printing, postage, travel to meet with legislators, research, writing, continuous updating of the website and blog, and more.

There are 22 million living women in the U.S. who have been hysterectomized, and 73% of them were castrated. We have all been hurt- primarily women who have been hysterectomized, and by extension their family and friends. Though many women have supportive family and friends, others do not. Each woman lives alone with the far reaching consequences of the surgery, coping the best she can, struggling with problems others have difficulty comprehending. Although each woman is alone in a profound way as she tries to find strategies to cope with a plethora of unsolvable hysterectomy caused problems, collectively we are powerful, 22 million strong. Hand in hand we can circle our legislators, and demand our government work with us and for us, and by working together we can accomplish our common goal of stopping this from being done to the next generation of women and girls.

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