What you can do!
So many have asked, “What can I do to help?”
The answer to this question has never been so simple, and the need for help has never been so urgent.
Visit www.hersfoundation.org today to SIGN THE PETITION mandating that HERS’ DVD “Female Anatomy: The Functions of the Female Organs” be shown to every woman who is told she needs pelvic surgery. Please do it now, and dedicate one full day to make sure everyone you know signs it.
Contact HERS for a sample email to send to everyone on your email list or any email list you can get your hands on. Make follow-up calls to make sure your friends and family sign the petition. Post the petition on listservs, online chat rooms, and blogs. Ask HERS about sponsoring an ad in your local newspaper. Make your voice heard, and help HERS end unconsented hysterectomy for all time!
Send everyone you know to www.hersfoundation.org. Urge them to watch HERS’ DVD “Female Anatomy: the Functions of the Female Organs” and to sign the petition. Do all that you can to make your state the first one to pass laws to compel doctors to provide accurate information that is every woman’s right to know.
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