

Biochemistry is a branch of Biology, which deals with the study of chemical components and the chemical processes in living organisms. A basic knowledge of biochemistry is essential for understanding anatomy and physiology, because all of the structures of an organism result from biochemical reactions. For example, photosynthesis, respiration, digestion, muscle contraction can all be described in biochemical terms.


Covalent bonds result when two or more atoms complete their electron shells by sharing electrons. When an electron pair is shared between two atoms, a single covalent bond is formed. An example is the bond between two hydrogen atoms to form a hydrogen molecule. Covalent bond stores large amount of energy.


All the chemical reactions taking place within a cell are collectively called metabolism. Metabolic processes are characterized as anabolism and catabolism.


Those reactions in which simpler substances are combined to form complex substances are called anabolic reactions. Anabolic reactions need energy. 

Energy is released by the break down of complex molecules into simpler ones. Such reactions are called catabolic reactions. 

Explanation Anabolic and catabolic reactions go side by side in the living cells. Complex molecules are broken down and the resulting smaller molecules are reused to form new complex molecules. Inter-conversions of carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids that occur continuously in living cells are examples or coordinated catabolic and anabolic activities. The survival of an organism depends upon its ability to take some chemicals from its environment and use them to make chemicals of its living matter. For this reason, cells of every organism are constantly taking in new cellular materials and obtaining energy for their needs. Life of an organism depends upon the endless chemical activities in its cells. This chemical activity is maintained with a high degree of organization.

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