View of himalayan mountains from Dharamshala

Dharamshala is located fairly close to the Himalayan range. Our high school text books told us that Himalayan mountains retain snow all through the year. But the reality greeted us- there's hardly any snow left on top of the mountains in peak summer.

Dharamshala won't take you to as close to the himalayas as other places- say Simla or Manali. However it does offer a few good view points.

View of snow peaks from our room
 First rays of sun

Himalaya as seen from Naddi view point. Dharmashala
Below is the close up of glacier- only large block of snow we spotted
 View from Naddi, without zoom

View from Dharamshala cricket stadium [More photos of stadium here]
One more view, seen from a point near Bhagsu falls

The message is loud and clear. There's not much ice left to provide water in the summer to our rivers. Global warming is for real.

The region is also known for Snow Leopards, now facing extinction. Do watch below documentary. Thanks The Wild for tip off

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