
WASHINGTON: Newborns who snooze on animal fur in the foremost three months are less probable to experience asthma in later childhood.

There is microbial environment in the animal’s fur and this microbial atmosphere in animal skin and fur could have a screening and a protective effect against asthma and allergic reactions. The study proposed. The study is managed at European Respiratory Society (ERS) International Congress in Munich regarded animal fur a very important bed for infants, a bed which can save infants from asthma.


Asthma is the chronic inflammatory disease that causes the air ducts of the lungs to swell and constrict by production of extra mucus which causes wheezing (out of breath), chest tightness, coughing and very difficulty in breathing. 


The widespread asthma is usually caused by:
  • Pollen
  • Mold
  • Tobacco smoke
  • Pet animals
  • Respiratory infection
  • Chemicals in foodstuff and atmosphere
  • Medicines like Aspirin
  • Strong emotions (stress)


The most prominent symptoms of asthma are breathlessness(wheezing) and frequent coughing. Symptoms  are:

  • Cough with or without phlegm production
  • Shortness of breath
  • Intercostals retractions
  • Abnormal breathing or breathing stops suddenly
  • Bluish color to lips and face
  • Severe drowsiness and confusion, during asthma attack
  • Sweating during asthma attack
  • Tremendous difficulty in breathing

The symptoms mentioned in bold are very severe and need a prompt medical help otherwise patient may die.

Asthma has no cure, only self-management and staying away from causes for asthma can help you to live a normallife.

The researchers collected data from experiments on 2,441 children.


The researchers exposed newborns (2,441) on animal fur for the first three months in which 55 percent are those who slept on animal fur for the first three months and collected data along with information on health until 10 years of age.


The outcome of experiments illustratesthat those who slumber on animal fur have reduced the hazard of a number of factors connected with asthma.

Researchers Words: 

“An animal skin might also be a reservoir for various kinds of microbes, following similar mechanisms as has been observed in rural environments”, Tischer added.

Dr Christina Tischer, from the Helmholtz Zentrum München Research Centre, said “previous studies suggested that microbes found in rural settings could protect from asthma”.

In other words, those infants who enjoyed sleeping at soft, fluffy animal fur will also enjoy advanced life with reduced vulnerability of asthma.
The researchers suggested parents for the protection of their newborns to give them sleep on the animal fur bed.

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